“Driving is a privilege, not a right,” is a phrase most of us have heard while trying to obtain our licenses, or at least from a teacher or parent during our teen years. And it’s true, those of us who have passed the requirements and are able to get behind the wheels of our very own vehicle are privileged to get from here to there. However, when it comes to rules of the road, there’s a lot to remember and adhere to.
Driving the speed limit is, arguably, the number one rule of the road. We all learned about it for the written test, and it’s enforced with signs everywhere while we’re driving. Even so, it’s still easy to take your focus off that speedometer just for a brief moment, especially if you’re in California where the weather is just right, and the skies are blue. If you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, and of course if you happen to be driving dangerously, you’re going to get a speeding ticket, one of California’s most common types (California Vehicle Code 22356).
What a Speeding Ticket Will Cost You In California
The base cost for a speeding ticket in California is $35 to $100. However, there are some other fees involved that add onto that price tag; how much over the speed limit the vehicle was going, and the county in which you made the violation. Typically, that one ticket will start at $35 and skyrocket between $238 to $490, according to Forbes. Not only will that ticket cost some money, it’ll also raise your insurance, about 40% on average, says the article. That’s a costly excursion.

Red Light Violation Tickets
Another common ticket type is the red light violation (Vehicle Code 21453). When you’ve run through a red light at an intersection in many locations in California, there are cameras taking your picture, according to Calmatters. A base ticket for running through a red light is $490, and making an unlawful right turn, or rolling through a stop sign will run you $250. In addition to the fine, your insurance will go up one point. If you feel you have been wrongly ticketed for running a red light, or you weren’t driving the car while it occurred, you can fight it by asking for the footage of your car. If the video proves you did not violate the law, you have a good chance of dismissing the ticket, says World Population Review.
Distracted While Driving Tickets
Last but not least, the violation of being distracted while driving and cell phone use go hand in hand. And they’re both things you can get a ticket for. Vehicle Code 23123 states that drivers may not use any cellular device that is not hands free in the vehicle. Base fines for the first infraction begins at $20, and raises to $50 for the second and future offenses. Penalty assessments for the violation can make your total cost anywhere from $60 to $150.
Don’t Pay Your Ticket. Let Our Attorney Go to Court for You
With all these common violations, you have the right to contest your ticket, get it dismissed, and even fight it in court, says Forbes. If you feel there was an error receiving your ticket, you can represent yourself, fill out the proper documents, or hire a traffic ticket lawyer who will take care of all of the above.
Hiring a traffic ticket lawyer will not only give you relief from legal procedures, paperwork, and the stress of organizing your own case, but may give you a better chance at getting your ticket dismissed. Saam Borhani from the Borhani Law Group is a top-rated attorney that fights and helps dismiss all types of traffic tickets depending on the case. He services Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County, Kern County, Ventura County, Riverside County, San Bernardino Couty, Sacramento County, and the entire state of California.